About me
When an opportunity comes along the way, I prefer to take advantage of it. Career change is one of them. My goal is to become a front-end developer. My strengths, like perseverance and interest in new things, will help in this.
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- Git, GitHub
- Figma
- Markdown
Code example
function mixArray(inputArray) {
const result = [...inputArray];
for (let i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
const randomIndex = getRandomNum(result.length) - 1;
const currentEl = result[i];
const randomEl = result[randomIndex];
result[i] = randomEl;
result[randomIndex] = currentEl;
return result;
- 2017-2021 MedSerwisTrans, Controller of Measuring Devices
- 2014-2017 MedSerwisTrans, Customer Service Specialist
- 2023 RS School, JS / Front-end. Stage 0
- 2022 RS School, JS / Front-end. Stage 0
- 2009-2014 International Sakharov Environmental University, ecologist-expert
- 2013 BELHARD Education Center “Software Testing”
- 2013 EPAM Systems “Software Testing Introduction”
- Russian (native)
- English (pre-intermediate)
- Polish (pre-intermediate)